Friday, June 19, 2009


I got this crazy idea to make this sweet video and thought you vintage etsy friends would like to rate it.
It IS a contest, so the more ratings the better. Thanks! Have a great weekend.


I love this man trying to hold the door closed. Modesty. My new fascination is the small balls on pipe cleaners. I've been seeing them at estate sales in various colors. I'll share with you some of my many finds later.
Every morning my peace angel greets me and I take a moment... for Peace on Earth.
The magnificent murano style mirror was a steal. I was shopping with my mom and she saw one on display and wanted it, so the clerk went back to get the last one in stock. Sadly, the mirror part of it was shattered. The clerk gave my mom a discount off the floor (wall) model and I asked what were they going to do with that broken piece? Her response, "Toss it." I gasped silently and quickly responded, if I give you $25, can I have it? Needless to say, my mom and I left the store very happy with our purchases. I had a new mirror cut and there it hangs in our bathroom. What a find! And the color perfectly matches our bathroom 1940's tile.

Monday, June 15, 2009


I found this at an estate sale and thought it'd be perfect for the office. I'm trying to move to a french country look. I think the blue paint job has to go. Thinking about a cream color, something simple. Any thoughts?

Friday, June 12, 2009


 The hydrangea in the garden have made their appearance and these are the first cuttings to grace the house. There's something so peaceful about white and pink. Do you have favorite flowers that are growing now?

Wednesday, June 3, 2009


I am so excited that my orchids are reblooming. I call them my orchid farm. So beautiful. The view makes handwashing dishes not so bad.

whoever lives here loves beauty